Welcome to Royalty Walk


My name is Mehret (Mercy) Abraham, and I’m the writer of the posts on this blog. Thank you for taking the time to visit this website.

Royalty is who we are as sons and daughters of God our King through faith in Christ Jesus. The Walk is radiating the Light and Glory of God through our lifestyle. Royalty Walk is a ministry that exists for the purpose of encouraging and challenging believers to walk in the fullness of their identity in Christ.

I’m just a young woman who is in deep love with the one who defined love on the cross for me, CHRIST. He who died to make me a royalty and placed His spirit within me enabling me to walk as His daughter and a warrior.

The passion to pour my heart out in printed words grew since the day I surrendered my life to Jesus in January 2014. Since then, I use it to record the lessons, experiences, tests and influences the Lord uses to mould me to become the woman I am today and who I’ll become tomorrow.

I’m humbled & grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to use this platform for His fame, name and glory. Everything is FROM HIM, THROUGH HIM & TO HIM.

I urge you & myself to live as the Kings and Queens we are in God.

“But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are ROYAL PRIESTS, a HOLY NATION, GOD’S VERY OWN POSSESSION. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for He called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.” – 1 Peter 2:9

Praying this ministry leaves your heart stirred and your spirit empowered to walk by His grace and for His glory.

Thank you for the love & support.


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