During these past few festive weeks, I have been meditating on the motivation of God for the sweet sacrifice He made for humanity. The bottomless depths of God’s INFINITE LOVE and DESIRE for an intimacy with His creation was what motivated Him to give up what was SO DEAR to Him. He believed the PRICE was worth paying for a return of an eternal relationship with His people.
The Pursuit Of Intimacy With God.
Since the fall of man to this day, intimacy with God has unfortunately grown to become rarer in the lives of those who claim to believe in Him and follow Him. The truth is technology, paper (money), and human idols have replaced our intimacy with our creator. Technology and money are essential elements for life but only when (treated approprietly you mean?) used in limit. Excessive or inappropriate use or possession (desire for…the LOVE of money 1 Timothy 6:10-12) of these things could possibly result in our worship of them.
The Beauty & Purpose of Singleness.
I once used to be the girl who dreamt of attracting Boaz without being Ruth. Boaz was the God fearing husband of Ruth. Their story is found in the book of Ruth. For many years I struggled to solve my puzzle of attracting flies instead of real warriors of the Lord. Little did I know WASTE only attracts flies.
Embracing The Love Of God.
We were born to embrace it NOT accept it.
You must know the creator of this massive universe; the same God who made you out of dust loves you personally. God’s love for you is not just personal but intimate, absolute and unconditional. This love is so powerful it reaches out to you, not in spite of your many failures, but including them. Human affection is often based on your ability to measure up to the expectations of another.