Daily Verse


Thankful Heart.


Do you believe you are a thankful person? Take a moment to evaluate your heart.

If we are honest with ourselves, being thankful doesn’t come naturally for many of us. Gratitude isn’t the natural disposition of the masses because life clearly isn’t a bed of roses. The endless trials of life have the tendency to suck thanksgiving out of the heart of man and replace it with ungratefulness. Thankfully, we have the Word of God to help us solve this heart issue.

The Fire & the Chef: Part Two


In the previous post, we discussed the importance of fiery trials and how they are ways that God (the Chef) uses to cook the raw and fresh parts of our lives. And again, the trials and troubles we’re discussing here are not the ones we experience as a result of our wrongdoing. We’re discussing the trials and struggles we face because of our pursuit to live a life of faith that glorifies and pleases God. If you haven’t already, please go ahead and read part one of this series (https://royaltywalk.com/testimony/the-fire-the-chef-part-one/) to get more of an understanding of what we’ll be talking about in this blog.

Rest in Peace.


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” — Matthew 11:28-29 (NIV)

Beloved, are you waiting for the hour of your death to arrive to find rest for your soul? Or are you tired of looking for rest for your weary soul in everything and coming up short? Let me tell you, true rest in not found in death or in anything that is on earth. It’s not found in people, money, relationships, friendships, jobs or education.

Something Good out of the Storm.


My name is Helen Mengistu, I am a born again Christian and this is my testimony.

I grew up in an Orthodox household but religion was never my thing nor was it for my family. We never really attended church unless there was a wedding or a baptism or unless it was Christmas or Easter. Because of this, I was never really close to God or had a proper relationship with him. I knew who He was but I never knew what He was capable of doing. I knew about His son Jesus who died on the cross but I was never really close to Him either.



My name is Michael Zewge and I was born in Ethiopia in 1989 and grew up in an Orthodox family. When I was 10 years old, my older brother became a born-again Christian and soon after, I gave my life to Christ and the savior who died on the cross to take away my sin and rose from the dead became real to me.



In the blog titled ‘Re-born Identity’, we established Christ being the Crown that entitles us as Kings and Queens on earth. In this blog, we aim to investigate the place of our Crown (Christ) in our lives. A lot of us live in the hype of our identity in Christ rather than in the fullness thereof. This is likely the result of a lack of understanding of what it means to be a King and a Queen in Christ.

Thickets & Thorns!


God has seen me through a lot of hardships in my life. In the midst of the challenges, I cried out to God one night and prayed the simplest prayer, “Lord I need you and I need you in every single area of my life”. I repeated this over and over again and felt the Holy Spirit come into my life immediately. Ever since then, my life has been changed and restored. God has used the past and present circumstances to prepare me for a great calling. Unfortunately, the path that takes us to our promise is always wrought with thickets and thorns. Nothing worth having ever comes easy or without opposition. Storms will come, lions will roar, and our fears will be confronted. But God sees us through all these difficulties and shapes us with them for the better.

How obedient are you to God?


“Obedience is submission to God’s authority or acting in accordance to His word and principles”. The GREATEST thing that we can do for the Lord is not worship him or preach about him, but OBEY HIM! “…what is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offering and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams” – 1 Samuel 15:22 NLT. As believers in Christ, we are always full of energy and committed to worship, but we tend to hesitate when it comes to obeying God.