Tag Archives Love



During these past few festive weeks, I have been meditating on the motivation of God for the sweet sacrifice He made for humanity. The bottomless depths of God’s INFINITE LOVE and DESIRE for an intimacy with His creation was what motivated Him to give up what was SO DEAR to Him. He believed the PRICE was worth paying for a return of an eternal relationship with His people.

The Pursuit Of Intimacy With God.


Since the fall of man to this day, intimacy with God has unfortunately grown to become rarer in the lives of those who claim to believe in Him and follow Him. The truth is technology, paper (money), and human idols have replaced our intimacy with our creator. Technology and money are essential elements for life but only when (treated approprietly you mean?) used in limit. Excessive or inappropriate use or possession (desire for…the LOVE of money 1 Timothy 6:10-12) of these things could possibly result in our worship of them.

My Journey To Ethiopia…


If you haven’t already read my testimony, I suggest you read it to better understand the content of this post.

God first placed it on my heart to go to Ethiopia in December 2014 and I was DEFINITELY not pleased with this particular conviction. All I felt was pain moving in my veins due to the trauma of my childhood experience. For quite some time, I refused to believe it was a God idea and I rebuked it. I was intensely upset and I believed that God would never consider to take me back to a place where I had the worst experience of my life.

Hearers & Listeners.


Often times, we hear parents complaining about their children’s lack of listening. The children clearly heard what they were told to do but they have failed to act upon it.  A lot of us have a resembling relationship with God as these kids do with their parents. By definition, hearing is to perceive or to receive whereas listening means to obey.

The Beauty & Purpose of Singleness.


I once used to be the girl who dreamt of attracting Boaz without being Ruth. Boaz was the God fearing husband of Ruth. Their story is found in the book of Ruth. For many years I struggled to solve my puzzle of attracting flies instead of real warriors of the Lord. Little did I know WASTE only attracts flies.




My people die of a lack of knowledge.– Hosea 4:6

Indeed! I was dead to the truth I am about to share with you for over five years, all due to a lack of knowledge. My heart breaks seeing many ladies today who ‘proclaim’ to be Christians but seem to have lost sense of their ‘worth’. They have separated their spiritual lives from their love life.

Manhood & Singleness.



This blog was written for the encouragement of both single and non-single Christian men as half of the text is concerning manhood which isn’t an issue of single men alone. I believe, the church today is in need of less ‘church boys’ and a lot more ‘men of God’ who are strong enough in their faith to walk as ambassadors of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20) and inspire their youngsters as well as leading women on the path of righteousness rather than distraction.

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