Throughout generations, one of the core factors to the rising chaos in our world has been identity crisis. The world is a collection of societies. Societies are made up of individuals/families. Identity crisis occurs when individuals pursue to fit in the mould of the world to satisfy their lack of sense of belonging within these societies. According to social psychologists, the need to belong all boils down to survival. Those suffering from this crisis desperately seek a clearer sense of self and an acceptable role in society. Now, for those of us who are in Christ, we know we have found our everlasting belonging in God. As a result, we can IDENTIFY ourselves with the things of God instead of this lost world.
They say “the only time you should ever look back is to see how far you have come.” I say, we should take a look back at where God brought us from not to reflect on the distance we have traveled rather the DESTINY change we have received in Christ Jesus. This shall be a reflection that will restore the power of our ministry of reconciliation and one that will encourage us to develop a life structured by an unwavering gratitude for the priceless blood that was shed on our behalf.
Today’s blog was inspired by the Shunamite woman whose story is found in the book of 2 Kings 4. As humans, we encounter losses, gains, brokenness and blessings alike. As Christians, one of the greatest challenges of our journey is developing the discipline to respond to these changing conditions according to the Word of God. One of the most valuable lessons God is teaching me through this woman’s story is the importance of weighing our words in our hearts before they escape our mouths to set our lives on fire.
Trusting God’s Timing.
“God’s timing is PERFECT” is more than a cliché – it’s an assurance to the revelation of God’s divinely orchestrated life for those who yield themselves to Him. In the early days of my walk with Christ, I used to wallow in the thought that the above statement was nothing more than a motto. A motto for pressing through today to see tomorrow.
Do you feel like you are searching and continually seeking God but you’re failing to find Him? You believe you seek God ‘hard’ in prayer, fasting, and church attendance but He doesn’t seem to reveal Himself to you? You don’t understand the problem. You don’t get all this fire, anointing, and heavenly experience only a few people seem to be privileged enough to experience. I can relate. I totally understand you. However, I must admit the problem is you and not God.
During these past few festive weeks, I have been meditating on the motivation of God for the sweet sacrifice He made for humanity. The bottomless depths of God’s INFINITE LOVE and DESIRE for an intimacy with His creation was what motivated Him to give up what was SO DEAR to Him. He believed the PRICE was worth paying for a return of an eternal relationship with His people.
Unequally Yoked.
Only for SINGLE folks, the married, stay married 🙂
One of the most quoted scriptures in Christianity is found in 2 Corinthians 6. The issue of being unequally yoked is a topic that is often briefly taught within the church. It appears that many teachers assume it to be something that can be easily understood and applied by Christians. I believe this has been one of the various contributing factors to the failure of many parts of the body of Christ living in alignment with this instruction. Although the instruction is clear and straightforward, a lot of people still lack an in-depth understanding of the great dangers and consequences of the matter.
The Pursuit Of Intimacy With God.
Since the fall of man to this day, intimacy with God has unfortunately grown to become rarer in the lives of those who claim to believe in Him and follow Him. The truth is technology, paper (money), and human idols have replaced our intimacy with our creator. Technology and money are essential elements for life but only when (treated approprietly you mean?) used in limit. Excessive or inappropriate use or possession (desire for…the LOVE of money 1 Timothy 6:10-12) of these things could possibly result in our worship of them.
My Journey To Ethiopia…
If you haven’t already read my testimony, I suggest you read it to better understand the content of this post.
God first placed it on my heart to go to Ethiopia in December 2014 and I was DEFINITELY not pleased with this particular conviction. All I felt was pain moving in my veins due to the trauma of my childhood experience. For quite some time, I refused to believe it was a God idea and I rebuked it. I was intensely upset and I believed that God would never consider to take me back to a place where I had the worst experience of my life.